[vorbis] Few questions concerning clipping

Aleksandar Dovnikovic aldov at EUnet.yu
Sun Feb 25 04:13:37 PST 2001

I noticed that clipping occurs in lossy audio compression even
if there is no clipping in the original file (though the original
file has peaks that are just below the maximum). I know
that this happens due to all the filtering involved during compression,
but I'm wondering just how audible this clipping is because I don't
hear anything wrong. I mean, as things are now, is it safe to say
that the clipping introduced in Vorbis will not be audible if,
of course, the input file doesn't have clipped parts? Is it
possible to avoid clipping at all (if the source isn't clipped)?
On the other hand, using samples that are already clipped,
clipping can't be avoided so the encoder only has to take
care that it doesn't sound worse...


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