[vorbis] Vorbis newbie questions

Segher Boessenkool segher at wanadoo.nl
Thu Feb 15 14:35:57 PST 2001

berk wrote:
> Use The Source, Geoff!
> Replying to your mail dated Friday, February 16, 2001, 1:08:59 AM,
> about "[vorbis] Vorbis newbie questions":
> >>     4) What extra software exists for Vorbis ? (I'm thinking of things
> >> like the VCE I read about on this list).
> GS> Not a great deal yet, but this is because a lot of it is actually in the
> GS> vorbis-tools in the main distro.  Some are in development though.  I can't
> GS> think of any off the top of my head apart from VCE, though I'm sure there
> GS> are others.
> Hmm...what about `rehuff' by Segher?

rehuff has at least one major and one minor bug; i'm not fixing them
right now,
as the usefullness of rehuff is rather limited for "normal" users right now
(they only gain 1-2% additional compression).

I _will_ eventually fix the major bug, at least.



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