[Vorbis] Status of Vorbis in Realplayer

illiminable ogg at illiminable.com
Mon Sep 13 06:39:18 PDT 2004

> before we cross that bridge, we need to be sure that most listeners will
> be able to benefit.  Thanks to Illiminable, we have a set of Directshow 
> filters which seem to work well for Windows Media Player.  Our last big 
> concern is Realplayer and I have to admit to a bit of confusion here.

Just one thing i should point out from my side right now... is that my 
codecs currently can't handle chained multiplexing... ie basically multiple 
files stuck together rather than merged server side into one continuous 
stream. I've either got to do it the hacky way, so that it will work for 
homogenous chains... which is easy... or do it properly, so it can take 
arbitrary chains... ie when a theora file is chained to a vorbis file... 
unfortunately, that's extremely difficult.


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