[Vorbis] Extension proposal - partly serious

Greg Wooledge greg
Mon Jun 21 15:56:09 PDT 2004

<20040620190623.GF9120 at xiph.org>
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Message-ID: <20040621225609.GD741 at griffon>

Cameron Patrick (cp at chem.com.au) wrote:

> I'm probably in a minority here, but
> I'm sure there are many others who prefer their audio and video
> players to be separate.

I'd bet a rather large amount of money that you're in the *majority*
of Unix-like system users.  It might be different for Windows and Mac

Anyway, Monty has spoken: Xiph gets only one extension from IANA, and
that's .ogg, so they can't advocate anything else even if they wanted
to, which they don't.

So the rest of us get to use whatever works.  To me, it looks like the
winner is .ogv.  Anyone want to come up with a mime-type so I can update
my Apache config files?  (Not that I actually have any Theora files
yet; but I will eventually.)

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
greg at wooledge.org              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |
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