"HAANCOSTFU?" was: Re: [Vorbis] Extension proposal - partly serious

Monty xiphmont
Mon Jun 21 01:55:50 PDT 2004

<Pine.LNX.4.44.0406201235420.7863-100000 at sasami.anime.net>
Message-ID: <20040621085550.GD18554 at xiph.org>

On Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 12:39:30PM -0700, Dan Hollis wrote:
> Its still funny that you guys are demanding that all vendors capitulate to
> your demands rather than accomodating 'the way things work now'. You guys
> seem hell bent on making sure ogg will never be widely accepted.

Actually, we're demanding that no one force any one vendor's approach
down anyone else's throat.  The official position has always been
"It's your computer, do whatever the fuck you want with your own
files."  You want to name all your Ogg video files '.mydickisbigger'
(even though Windows will only take the last three inches) be my

We're not going to demand the Mac users behave like windows users.
We're not going to demand Windows behave like UNIX.  We're not going
to demand Be behave like anyone else because they just won't.  And my
shell, thank you very much, works via file magic and extensions are
meaningless to me.

You're all right, but you're only right in your own minds.  You're all
wrong, but only because you insist everyone else think like you do.
Quit being thought police and quit turning something *so goddamned
minor* into a holy war.  Why do we say '.ogg' is official?  Because
IANA says we get one MIME type for the Ogg container, and that mime
type gets to have one extension.  Got a problem?  Take it up with
them.  It's a well known fact that MIME and container formats mix

In case you missed it, read this next part a few times:

I'm sick to goddamned death of this thread.  I'm about to add
'extension' to the mail server banlist right alongside 'Nigeria' and
'Viagra'.  Do whatever the hell you want on your own private property
and quit calling the police whenever your neighbors throw a party that
stays on theirs.


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