[Vorbis] Extension proposal - partly serious

noprivacy at earthlink.net noprivacy
Sun Jun 20 17:53:25 PDT 2004

<200406211225.12246.jwm at eslnz.co.nz>
Message-ID: <008d01c4572e$2970b1a0$67389c3f at computername>

From: "John Morton" <jwm at eslnz.co.nz>

> >  2) introduce a new extension .OGV for ogg container video.  With a
> Yes, but users don't care what particular encodings are in it, just as
long as

They don't care about the encodings, but they do care about having trouble
finding the right codec to use to play it.

There are dozens of audio & video codecs used in .AVI files, and it can be
very annoying to spend an hour or so on the web hunting for the right codec.
It's bad enough there are a number of warez codec packs that users are
encouraged to install.  You got no idea what you are actually installing
with those things, but it's the best solution to "hunt the codec" problem.

Sure, today new stuff is done in Divx, but older stuff, or stuff done by
individuals (funny live tv bloopers, funny home videos, etc.) can be done in
no telling what codec.  And not all codecs are even available anymore.

I was just trying to keep things a bit simple for the end users.  By
encouraging the video format to only do Xiph codecs, users would only need
to go one place to get the codecs.

By allowing (but not encouraging) longer codec specific extensions, other
users could be kept happy.

> >  3) introduce a new .oga extension for audio, that can handle anything
> > audio related.
> Nah, the horses have already bolted. Continue to allow people to presume

That has been my strong opinion too.  But several people have suggested it.
There are some potential benefits, but....  [shrug]

> >  4) any DRM protected ogg file (generic or otherwise) use the extension
> > .ogp (or some such.)
> I rather doubt Xiph will ever be in the business of creating DRM schemes,

They do have DRM available.  It's very doubtful anybody will ever use it,
but it is available.  I just added this to be complete.

> manipulation tools. Audio and video playback is converging, but it will
> another couple of years for it to pass the 80/80 acceptance mark.

I don't see it ever completely merging.  I want very different things in an
audio player.

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