[Vorbis] Extension proposal - partly serious

noprivacy at earthlink.net noprivacy
Sun Jun 20 17:28:28 PDT 2004

From: "Graham Mitchell" <graham at grahammitchell.com>

> Arguing things out in a mailing list until some sort of "consensus" is
> is pretty useless, IMO, since no one is bound to anything.

It's the only place that is open enough to discuss things like this.

Otherwise you end up with a couple people making the decision in some bar
somewhere, half bombed out of their head by some stale beer.

And no, there is no way to *force* them to do anything.  Regardless of
whether it's an open mailing list, or a semi-open IRC, or a private meeting
in a bar.

> You name your files how you like, and I'll name mine.  Ditto for tags,
> is another perennial flamewar on this list.

Why should you *have* to rename yours the way you want it?  Shouldn't it
already be in a decent form to begin with?

> [I can't believe I'm still reading this discussion and haven't killfiled
> myself a long time ago; because it's difficult to fathom how little I care
> about the outcome of all this.  Further still to imagine why I'm
> contributing.]

Sounds you just prefer to be told what to end up with.  To sit back and wait
until it's over with and then complain that they didn't do it that made

> because it's difficult to fathom how little I care about the outcome of
all this.

Like Monte Walsh said: "You aint got no idea how little I care."

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