[Vorbis] working non-peeler

andrew lattis ogg
Thu Jun 17 07:19:46 PDT 2004

<20040617091314.GA28476 at ebed.etf.cuni.cz>
Message-ID: <20040617141946.GA18688 at naranek.org>

On 2004/06/17 11:13:14AM +0200, Thu, Petr Tomasek wrote:
> > basically it take an existing ogg, decodes it to a wav, grabs the
> > comments and re-encodes at a new quality setting and appends the comments.
> Just curious question: will there be some quality loss?

i don't know enough about the encoding to say 100% but i wouldn't think
so, in theory the wav should contain all the information that was in the
original ogg, so your only loss will be whatever would have been cut out
in going to the lower quality, i haven't been able to hear any defects

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