[Vorbis] aoTuV mode?

Greg Wooledge greg
Mon Jun 7 18:26:25 PDT 2004

Dan Hollis (goemon at anime.net) wrote:

> Are there plans to incorporate aoTuV mode into vorbis, perhaps a
> commandline switch to make optionally available the aoTuV tunings?

I think that was already beaten into the ground last week or two weeks
ago.  It seems unlikely that the aoTuV tunings will be folded into
the reference encoder library.

However, there's nothing at all preventing you from compiling the new
library yourself and using it.  You can even arrange it so that it
coexists peacefully with the standard Vorbis libraries (on any decent
OS).  Since your Message-ID indicates a Linux box:

1) Get aoTuV source and extract it.
2) ./configure --prefix=/somewhere
3) make
4) sudo make install  # or equivalent; you may not even need to be root,
# depending on where your --prefix is
5) To use standard Vorbis, continue using oggenc.
6) To use aoTuV, use "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/somewhere/lib oggenc".  You can
write a wrapper script for this if you wish.

Real example:

griffon:/tmp$ oggenc -q 4 -o 01-vorbis.ogg 01.wav
Opening with wav module: WAV file reader
Encoding "01.wav" to
at quality 4.00
[ 99.9%] [ 0m00s remaining] /

Done encoding file "01-vorbis.ogg"

File length:  3m 24.0s
Elapsed time: 0m 27.5s
Rate:         7.4602
Average bitrate: 123.3 kb/s

griffon:/tmp$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib oggenc -q 4 -o 01-aoTuV.ogg 01.wav
Opening with wav module: WAV file reader
Encoding "01.wav" to
at quality 4.00
[ 99.9%] [ 0m00s remaining] /

Done encoding file "01-aoTuV.ogg"

File length:  3m 24.0s
Elapsed time: 0m 24.7s
Rate:         8.3063
Average bitrate: 125.5 kb/s

griffon:/tmp$ ogginfo 01-*.ogg
Processing file "01-aoTuV.ogg"...

New logical stream (#1, serial: 2848bb2d): type vorbis
Vorbis headers parsed for stream 1, information follows...
Version: 0
Vendor: AO; aoTuV b2 [20040420]  (based on Xiph.Org's 1.0.1)
Channels: 2
Rate: 44100

Nominal bitrate: 128.003000 kb/s
Upper bitrate not set
Lower bitrate not set
Vorbis stream 1:
Total data length: 3212621 bytes
Playback length: 3m:24.826s
Average bitrate: 125.476670 kbps
Logical stream 1 ended
Processing file "01-vorbis.ogg"...

New logical stream (#1, serial: 339847d7): type vorbis
Vorbis headers parsed for stream 1, information follows...
Version: 0
Vendor: Xiph.Org libVorbis I 20030909 (1.0.1)
Channels: 2
Rate: 44100

Nominal bitrate: 128.003000 kb/s
Upper bitrate not set
Lower bitrate not set
Vorbis stream 1:
Total data length: 3156679 bytes
Playback length: 3m:24.826s
Average bitrate: 123.291720 kbps
Logical stream 1 ended

Note: my ears, and/or hardware, aren't nearly good enough to tell the
difference between Xiph.org and aoTuV at this quality level.  They both
sound good to me.

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
greg at wooledge.org              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |
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