[vorbis] ogg_vorbis_3_plus (0x6771) Ogg Vorbis

Jmccall93 at aol.com Jmccall93 at aol.com
Mon May 12 16:26:52 PDT 2003

Thanks sounds awfully involved for someone who's not used to tinkering with 
files like this.  At this point however, I will try anything.  Thanks!  I'll 
get back to you and let you know how it went!


> >I need to find the codec above.  Can someone tell me where I can get 
> >it.  I've had no luck on the Internet yet!
> >
> That is the name of the old Vorbis ACM which has almost completely 
> dissapeared off the face of the 'net(the only location I have found it 
> is the KaZaa Lite website in their codec pack).  Its old, buggy, and 
> used an RC encoder(if I remeber right).  It would also get out of sync 
> unless you used CBR mode(which really sux).  If you want to keep this 
> video around you should convert it to an .ogm file by getting the Ogg 
> direct show filters, OggMux(http://sourceforge.net/projects/oggmux/) and 
> VirtualDub(www.virtualdub.org) and using VirtualDub to extract the 
> audio(open the AVI, choose Save WAV under the File menu) and create a 
> video only AVI file(select Direct Stream Copy under the Video menu, 
> select No audio under the Audio menu, then save it) and using OggMux to 
> create an OGM file from the AVI and WAV files you made with 
> VirtualDub(you may need to re-encode the audio by decoding the WAV to 
> PCM and then encoding from the decoded WAV to an .ogg file).
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