[vorbis] Why the commotion about file extensions?

Nemo -earth native- nemo at cheeky.house.cx
Mon Jul 14 23:17:41 PDT 2003

On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 12:43:43AM -0500, Tom Felker did utter:
> > And people will almost certainly convert them to 3 letters anyway.  Just
> > like with mpeg and jpeg have been shorted to mpg and jpg.
> What about .html, which is almost never shortened?  I think before, when DOS 
> was popular, extensions got shortened because there was no other way.  HTML 
> escaped because who ever stored HTML files in DOS?  I can't see anyone 
> shortening an extension now, because there's no reason to.

Sadly, I see .htm files around the place quite commonly still. It's
slowly becoming extinct, fortunately. My ISP has "default.htm index.htm"
and others as default indices in apache conf for the sake of customer

> Every time I use a Windows computer, unchecking "hide extensions" is the first 
Curiously, I actually hid them in windows for the first time ever
yesterday. I was needing to rename a bunch of files manually through the
GUI, and being able to rename the whole file without caring about
keeping the extension was much nicer. Plus XP finally has some nice
"show me the file type information" sidebars and statusbars... 

Personally, I'd rather a "show me extensions, but don't let me edit
them" option, but that's getting into the realms of GUI design...

Back to the topic at hand, I'd go for .oggvorbis .oggflac .oggspeex etc
etc etc myself, and I'd STRONGLY encourage that TLE's not be used.
Afterall, if .og? becomes common usage, then the ? character becomes a
limited resource. No ogg codecs allowed to start with 'v' cos .ogv is
taken with vorbis? If theora is .ogt, then what is Tarkin? Having one
system for TLE's for some codecs, and another for others... is even mroe


Looks reasonable to me... of course, what do you then call a file with
multiple codecs... (vorbis and flac seems a good example)?


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                                                    earth native
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