[vorbis] beta firmware for Neuros available

Haas Wernfried w.haas at xover.htu.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Jul 3 02:33:04 PDT 2003

On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 09:05:53PM -0500, Graham Mitchell wrote:
> For the two or three of you who are subscribed to the mailing list that 
> *haven't* heard already... from the blurb on Slashdot:
i don't, so thanks for the information.

does anybody know if it is possible to get the neuros player in
europe, are there any dealers?

amazon.com is selling it, but i couldn't find it on amazon.de/.at and
the shops on the neuros homepage seem to be quite american, too.

there's of course the possibility of ordering from america, but i'm
not sure if this is a great idea (mainly in case of problems, as for
me almost every device breaks).


-> Fppmpppffpppmpfpffmffmppmpm Mfpmmmmmmfmm
-> fpp.mfpmmmmmmfmm at fpfppffpmmpppff.ppmfmfmpm.mmmfmp
-> mfpfmpfmppfm://fpfppffpmmpppff.ppmfmfmpm.mmmfmp/~mmmppmpppmpppppmffppfppp
-> http://www.namesuppressed.com/kenny/
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