[vorbis] Ogg spec clarification

Aaron Knauf aknauf at xtra.co.nz
Tue Apr 22 01:38:50 PDT 2003


I am considering implementing the Ogg bitstream spec.  Having read the 
spec, I am left with just one matter requiring clarification (making it 
a pretty well written spec, in my book):

Can a packet begin on the same page as the previous packet ends on?  The 
spec does not appear to be explicit about this.  

It would seem that I could indicate that there were (e.g.) 3 segments in 
my page, with lengths 30, 255, 42.  The first segment, being less than 
255 bytes, would be the end of the first packet, the next segment would 
therefore be the first in the next packet, with the remaining segment 
being the last in the second packet.

Obviously, a decoder would have to explicitly support this.  Given that 
the spec does not explicitly allow (or disallow) this behaviour, can I 
(or should I) expect implementations to support this?  Is it actually legal?



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