[vorbis] bitrate peeling

Christian.Buchner Christian.Buchner1 at epost.de
Thu Nov 7 12:31:22 PST 2002

> I'd hate to act lame or something, but what exactly is bitrate peeling?

Shop for a HUGE onion. [That is an Ogg file encoded with -q 10. ]

After having paid for it  you notice it does not fit into your
basket. You start tearing off the outer layers until it fits
[ you peel the Ogg File ]

Now you'll have a smaller onion and you didn't even need to shop
for a new one [ i.e. no need to re-encode the file with -q 5 ]

Currently peeling may make you cry because there is no supported
tools yet. And with the experimental stuff the quality is sometimes
not yet right.

[that is the equivalent of slicing an onion will hurt your eyes]


<p>--- >8 ----
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