[vorbis] Interesting file-sharing idea

Mij of_mij at freemail.it
Sun Mar 17 02:18:30 PST 2002

Domenica, Marzo 17, 2002, alle 02:15 AM, craig duncan ha scritto:

> Why is there no reason?  If i like an artist's CD, then i'd like to be
> able to listen to the whole CD (with good fidelity).  And on what basis
> can you say that $13/$15 isn't too much?  I feel it's far too much.

Maybe I've not been able to express well what I think. I've talked about 
MusicSharing community. On the basic concept there's no controls (right 
now, in these days),
I expressed I don't like the people use this tecnology as alternative 
for buying original cds. I told that 13Dollars/15Euros aren't a huge 
expense for something as one cd in two Months. This will became 
expensive when you buy every music you listen to... but this is an 
This is my humile opinion.

<p>> Where the artist gets maybe $1-$2 of that (if they're lucky) and the
> production of the actual CD is under $1, why would i be willing to pay
> $15 ($12+ profit) to a huge multinational corporation which, by these
> kind of practices, damages the relationship between artist and listener
> and makes the only genuine alternative one where the artist has to
> assume the whole burden of production, distribution, marketing, etc.  In
> that instance, i'm certainly (quite) willing to give the artist $15 for
> a CD -- if i know that all the money goes to them.  But _only_ in that
> circumstance.

This is right, and it's a well-known problem linked to the physical 
supports: it squanders
much money. But please don't think "I pay 15$, the artist receive 2$, 
the production 1$ => the bastard cd labels robbed the whole rest". 
Please consider that this morphology of music divulgation hides big 
expenses. Take in example that the distribution costs 15%, there's a 5% 
of recharge by the last vendor and approximatively 20% (here in Europe) 
on the whole price goes into the State's pockets. The multinational 
retain c.ca 35%. I agree with this, because they work: their work 
consists in the risk trying to launch artist not even known. Something 
goes well and produce money, something goes bad and finish to be a big 
To know that half our money into the trash isn't good, but so it is...

<p>> You're trying to define what seems to you to be a reasonable practice
> and i agree that to me it sounds reasonable also.  But the large media
> congolmerates wouldn't agree with you.  Unless they explicitly provide
> something for free (a decision carefully calculated to maximize their
> profits) they don't want you having _anything_ for free. By their
> definition, if you got the music from someone else who was willing to
> "share" it with you and the licensing rights to that music hadn't been
> paid for by someone in this transaction, then it's piracy.

Sincerely I don't belong to this no-global philosophy... the big 
multinational give us computers, cellular telephons, handheld, but even 
foreign culture. It's clear that they search their (economical) own 
profit, but I take (various type) profit too.
I don't follow my behaviour to respect the "written law", simply I 
follow what I think correct.
I think that's correct I pay for a program I like, but I think that's 
wrong that i should pay one more licence for any pc onto I want to 
Nevertheless, I have c.ca 120 (original) cds, and about 300Mb mp3 on my 
disk: these are "isolated" songs. I like they only on a whole cd, or 
I've not been able to find its original.

<p>> Big corporations would _never_ dare allow to leave responsibility in the
> hands of the people.  How can you ripoff people, treat them
> exploitatively and with disrespect, and at the same time treat them with
> respect as if they were mature, responsible and trustworthy?

You're completely right. Please consider anyway that on the net their 
effective power is about nothing. I ment this: since they can do nothing 
on the large people (they have only control over commercial companies 
and such), we can do what we want. Well, I hope we'll have the 
capabilities to take the responsability for keep respect of other 

Finally, please excuse my english: it's not perfect and sometime it's 
diffucult for me to express
well what I want.


<p>--- >8 ----
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