[vorbis] Problems with German umlauts and vorbiscomment

Jon Brightwell jon.brightwell at atd.co.uk
Thu Sep 20 09:19:58 PDT 2001

The problem is, is there is more than one way to display text in a
system. Unicode + ANSI are the two standards and they are not
interchangable but they can be convertable between each other.

"ö" is the ansi equivalant of (unicode)"ö" 

The vorbis comment util needs to updated to handle unicode correctly.

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 17:46:53 +0200 a sheep named
Magnus von Koeller <magnus at vonkoeller.de> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> as I said before on this list I use the vorbiscomment utility in my music 
> file management perl script and I've just noticed that it has huge problems 
> with German umlauts.
> "ö", for example, becomes "ö", which is QUITE annoying. In xmms, the tags 
> are displayed correctly, though. I'm using the newest libraries and stuff 
> from the Mandrake Cooker (it tells me it's RC2).
> - -- 
> - -M
> - -------  Magnus von Koeller  <magnus at vonkoeller.de> ------
>  Georg-Westermann-Allee 76 / 38104 Braunschweig / Germany
>    Phone: +49-(0)531/2094886 Mobile: +49-(0)179/4562940
>  lp1 on fire (One of the more obfuscated kernel messages)
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
> iD8DBQE7qg9vUIvM6e6BgFARAo2hAJ9tqyuEkLtkMcCr1DerHfqJEUDcSACg19lH
> idVWSWnyJyakzN+qHqCSaXQ=
> =16V6
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Jon Brightwell <jon.brightwell at atd.co.uk>
Baby Code Monkey

'"Be excellent to each other." - Bill S. Preston, Esq., & "Ted" Theodore Logan'

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