[vorbis] Mailflood

Mark de Bokx m.debokx at planetmediagroup.nl
Mon Sep 10 07:21:53 PDT 2001

Dude if it is a mail server that people from Getronics put together its no
wonder its broken ;-))

Kind regards,


Mark de Bokx 
Internet Service Engineer  
ICT Communication and Media Services
Planet Media Group
the Netherlands

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-----Original Message-----
From: volsung at asu.edu [mailto:volsung at asu.edu]
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 4:19 PM
To: vorbis at xiph.org
Subject: Re: [vorbis] Mailflood

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

> Is anyone else on this list currently being flooded
> into oblivion by a broken vietnamese mailserver?
> Mail seems to originate from getronics.com.vn.

I'm getting emails I send to the list bounced back to me directly because a
(possibly) no longer existent email is subscribed at that domain.  You're
probably getting flooded because you post a lot.  :)

Stan Seibert

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