[Re: [vorbis] new ogg stream]

vorbis at int.ch vorbis at int.ch
Fri Sep 7 06:55:06 PDT 2001

I guess another question might be "does someone have this working"?


At 15:48 07-09-01, Sebastian Späth wrote:
-----Start of Original Message----- 
>Weird. Make sure that you _do_not_ enable "http v1.1 seeking".

I can't listen to neither .ogg stream as well and I have a direct connection to the Internet, no Proxy, no firewall. No http 1.1 enabled as well.
Winamp 2.76, Vorbis plugin v.114a.

It starts loading and stops at time 00:01. The display shows a 192kbs 32kHz file for the 64kbs stream. I'll never hear anything. Streaming .mp3 and local .ogg files work fine though.


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