[vorbis] Peter's plugin 1.16b - bug

Beni Cherniavksy cben at techunix.technion.ac.il
Wed Oct 24 04:31:29 PDT 2001

If I try at any point to use a `=' character in a field's name ("add
new"), it correctly refuses but soon after winamp dies (I have win2k).
I once even managed to save a comment with no name and no content into the

  *  *  *

Other point: Adding a button to switch advanced/simlpe mode to the editor
(like VorbisExt has, IIRC) would be nice.  At the very least the "some
comments can't be displayed properly" warning dialog should provide a
button to switch to advanced mode instead of telling the user to config
the plugin.  Or is there a difficulty to change config outside of the
config dialog?

Beni Cherniavsky <cben at tx.technion.ac.il>
                 (also scben at t2 in Technion)

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