[vorbis] Average Bitrate Calculation

Michael Smith msmith at labyrinth.net.au
Mon Oct 1 03:40:59 PDT 2001

At 10:29 PM 10/1/01 +1200, you wrote:
>Hi Michael
>I have already managed to calculate the "total number of seconds" or
duration (well only assuming one logical stream), however, I can't find any
info on where the "length (in bytes) of the logical stream" is located.
I'm not very fluent in C.  Can you please point in the right direction.

If you're just ignoring chained streams, then the length of the logical
stream is obviously equal to the length of the file. So you just find out
the file length in the normal way (what that is is platform dependent, but
stat() or fstat() is common).


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