[vorbis] vorbis players (or lack of) for mac

David Cantrell david at cantrell.org.uk
Tue Oct 30 05:59:21 PST 2001

On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 06:25:23AM -0700, volsung at asu.edu wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Oct 2001, David Cantrell wrote:
> > There's Mint and Audion, but they're shareware rather than free.  xmms
> > and ogg123 have been successfully compiled on OS X.
> ogg123 has been successfully built on OS X?!?  If so, I want to know.  :)

One of the people I provide web hosting for* did it.  It's packaged up
for fink <http://fink.sourceforge.net> users**.  He doesn't subscribe
to any oggish lists.  I've used his port with esd, it might work with
the native sound drivers, I dunno.

To install it, either rummage around in:

or install fink and add the following to your /sw/etc/apt/sources.list:
  deb http://unixbeard.net/~richardc/lab/fink stable main crypto
  deb http://unixbeard.net/~richardc/lab/fink unstable main crypto
  deb http://unixbeard.net/~richardc/lab/fink local main crypto
and then install with apt-get install vorbis-tools.

The patches themselves are at:

* - Richard Clamp <richardc at unixbeard.net>
** - but don't go asking him fink questions.  That's what the fink mailing
    lists are for, and he'll get annoyed.

David Cantrell | david at cantrell.org.uk | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

    This is a signature.  There are many like it but this one is mine.

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