[vorbis] Performance tests

David Balazic david.balazic at uni-mb.si
Tue Oct 16 08:53:29 PDT 2001

Hongli Lai (hongli at telekabel.nl) wrote :

> On 2001.10.16 15:12:01 +0200 Erik Olofsson wrote: 
> > I did some testing of vorbis codec (Winamp plugin) on a Pentium 166 MMX, 
> > and 
> > found that the performance is pretty good. I got 3 % cpu utisization if I 
> > turned dithering off, and 5 % otherwise. This was with a 138 kbit song. 
> > It's 
> > pretty long to mp3 performance that was 0 to 1 % on that machine for a 
> > 128 
> > kbit song. 
> How the /sbin/f*sck.ext2 -f did you manage to do that? 
> MP3 eats about 30% of my Pentium 233 MMX, and Vorbis about 50%. 
> I looked through every possible configuration option in Winamp, but I 
> couldn't find any way to improve performance. 

If you use DirectSound-out instead of WAVEout the CPU usage drops.
At least Task Manager shows it that way.

Once Task Manager ( on w2k-SP2 ) showed 50% CPU usage on the graph,
but 2 % in the status bar ( the bottom line in the window ) for several minutes.

So much about its accuracy ...

Do not use top under linux either !

David Balazic
"Be excellent to each other." - Bill S. Preston, Esq., & "Ted" Theodore Logan
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