[vorbis] Performance tests

Erik Olofsson erik at o3games.com
Tue Oct 16 06:12:01 PDT 2001

I did some testing of vorbis codec (Winamp plugin) on a Pentium 166 MMX, and
found that the performance is pretty good. I got 3 % cpu utisization if I
turned dithering off, and 5 % otherwise. This was with a 138 kbit song. It's
pretty long to mp3 performance that was 0 to 1 % on that machine for a 128
kbit song. 

Also vorbis seems to have a larger working set, because if I play two songs
at once the util goes up to 10 %. For mp3s I can play 2 streams with 1 %
util per stream. If I play 3 mp3 streams the util goes up for mp3s also.

The working set is important using vorbis for multistreaming (to conserve
audio memory footprint in a game for example) 

The tests were done using dsound output plugin (wave out used 10 % cpu for
mp3) on a Windows 2000 operating system with 64 mb memory.

Keep up the good work!!

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