[vorbis-dev] Re: [vorbis] Request for Standardization: classical music TAGS

Peter Harris peter.harris at hummingbird.com
Wed Oct 3 11:30:38 PDT 2001

> > On the other hand, XML is a good choice for the structured data because
> > PARSING CODE IS ALREADY WRITTEN.  All of the excessive XML hype has
> > that there are XML tools on every non-dead platform in existence.  I'm
> > in favor of leveraging those libraries to solve the metadata problem
> > than reinventing the wheel.
> If that is the case, I stand corrected.  I've been looking for a decent
> C library that will take an XML entity and turn it into a link-list of
> strings or other associative mechanisms.  Can you refer me to something
> like that?  If the parsing code for XML is already written, theres a few
> projects I wouldn't mind using it for.

Sounds like you are looking for a 'DOM' implementation. Do a search; it
shouldn't be that hard to turn up MSXML, Xerces, or domc.

Peter Harris

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