[vorbis] Vorbis newbie questions

Dave Phillips dlphilp at bright.net
Thu Feb 15 13:56:49 PST 2001


  First, thank you to everyone who has responded to my original message.
I'm looking forward to learning more about Vorbis, I think I'll be
better prepared now. No doubt I'll have some more questions...

Daniel Brockman wrote:
> I will be interested to read your eventual O'Reilly
> article. Are you in your journalistic research able to
> verify the oggies' assertion that Fraunhofer
> http://www.fraunhofer.de/ owns the patents on MP3 and
> demands royalties?

  Oh yes, no problem there. Fraunhofer's site has all the info you might
need. MP3'Tech also has a good precis on the patent issues. Bottom line
is very clear: Fraunhofer owns the MP3, they can do what they like about
it, including pressing Internet MP3 broadcasters. I'll have guides to
that information linked in my article.

  An alternative to MP3 is needed. I'm hoping Vorbis is it. Any comments
about that hope ?

Best regards,

== Dave Phillips

        The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at http://www.nostarch.com/lms.htm
        The Linux Soundapps Site at http://sound.condorow.net

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