Hello,<br><br>I've been "playing" a little with the floor1 encoding, and my game has posed me a question. I've been modifying (just curiosity) manually, and randomly (not too great modifications), the quantized [floor1_Y] values, just before coding them with the codebooks. As, if I'm not wrong, the [floor1_Y] obtained are then removed to get the residue vectors for each channel, I (naively) expected the variation introduced manually in the [floor1_Y] values to be compensated when removing the floor to get the residues. Although the final modified file sounds quite similar to the original one, the decoded pcm wave samples are a little bit different (using a simple Euclidean distance measure, normalized by the number of pcm samples, the distance is about 0.05 between the original and the modified versions, may not be a good psycoacoustic distortion measure, but in this game I'm just interested in the pcm values). Finally, my doubt is: is this caused because there may not be a quantized residue value to exactly compensate the variation introduced in the corresponding floor value or am I misunderstanding something?<br>
<br>Thank you.<br>