[Vorbis-dev] Again: Next libvorbis release?

Max Horn max at quendi.de
Wed Mar 4 07:36:45 PST 2009

Hi there,

I maintain the libvorbis, libogg and vorbis-tool package for Fink <http://finkproject.org/ 
 >. Recently I had time to wonder about those again. In particular,  
since I was informed libsndfile self-tests fails with 1.2.0, but not  
with a version dubbed 1.2.1rc1 somebody sent me. Also trunk seems to  
contain security fixes.
In https://trac.xiph.org/browser/trunk/vorbis/CHANGES both 1.2.1 and  
1.2.2 are mentioned as "unreleased" versions. As far as I can tell.  
The last release was about 20 months ago.

First a disclaimer: I like Ogg Vorbis very much, and I know just much  
freaking work managing a project like this is, and esp. making  
releases. I know because i have acted/still act as release monkey  
project lead for various projects, including the Fink package manager  
for OS X (which has a libvorbis package I maintain), as well as the  
ScummVM project (which lets you play old adventure games on new  
computers), which uses libvorbis (with code I wrote ;-). That said,  
the following is not meant to attack anybody responsible for releases.  
Rather, it is meant as a honest inquiry, and a honest offer to help.

So, here's my question: When is the next libvorbis release? What is  
blocking it? Any way I can help?

Yes I know: Early last february, there was a thread on this list on  
this very subject. But apparently it quickly deteriorated in a  
discussion on how to build the docs, doxygen in general, etc.. It was  
considered to switch away from Doxygen. Now, that's of course fine,  
whatever you like. But wouldn't it make most sense to first make new  
1.2.x release, and worry about a deep change like that afterwards?  
Esp. since waiting for people who promise to convert it to any given  
format simply can take vary long.

So, how about finding a temporary workaround for the doc issue, making  
a release, then finding a long-term solution. (Oh, and maybe some of  
the nice bug fixes in the track queue could be applied for the release  
after that then ;-).

Here is how I was able to build the current docbook docs: I used fop  
instead of pdfxmltex and had to replace some PNGs (they were causing  
fop to error out, very weird). It still gives some strange errors  
about missing SVG support, but the generated PDF seems to be OK. I  
submitted my patch to Trac <https://trac.xiph.org/ticket/1523>.

Of course you need fop installed for this to work, but I think there  
are packages for this in most distros.


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