[Vorbis-dev] Order #********** is it possible to get an ogg vorbis version of the In rainbows download?

zmachine zmachine at sapo.pt
Tue Oct 9 17:56:09 PDT 2007

I'm sorry that was forward of my own email, with my order number blanked
out, that I sent to downloadinrainbows at waste.uk.com  concerning my
order, I'm quite tired and I need to sleep and I have been asking for
help to put forward a coherent text to use for an online petition or an
email campaign,

ah e off topic, enviei um mail relativamente ao forum de software livre
em lisboa (estou a trabalhar para introduzir open-source na minha
universidade e preciso de toda a ajuda possivel, que é um fac de
ciencias sociais e humanas onde pelo que parece fui a primeira pessoa 
lembrar-lhes que existia uma coisa chamada open-office :|.

Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves wrote:
> What?
> Yes, you can offer anything you want in the Vorbis format.  Or FLAC.
> They are patent-free.  Obviously, you can only give your users content
> that you own the copyright of, or else you are committing a crime.
> -Ivo

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