tool to add skeleton (was Re: [Vorbis-dev] Re: [ogg-dev] Peer review draft for the new)

Silvia Pfeiffer silviapfeiffer1 at
Tue Oct 2 16:06:37 PDT 2007

On 10/3/07, Ian Malone <ibmalone at> wrote:
> Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> > On 10/2/07, Ian Malone <ibmalone at> wrote:
> >> Apropos this; I was wondering about mime-types to be used in
> >> Skeleton.  audio/vorbis for instance is not a current recommendation
> >> for general use to avoid irritation to the IETF (as I understand) and
> >> currently, for example, audio/x-ogg is suggested.  What is the opinion
> >> on using the final codec mime types (audio/vorbis for instance) in
> >> Skeleton, as this information is static and as it doesn't overlap with
> >> anything anyone else is doing?
> >
> > So: the mime types inside skeleton should be the same that are being
> > used inside encapsulation-format-free spaces, such as RTSP/RTP.
> > audio/vorbis is suggested for use where it just refers to a stream of
> > vorbis packets (see
> >
> > audio/ogg is instead recommended for any type of audio encapsulated in
> > ogg.
> > So: the ogg file (.oga extension) would have audio/ogg mime type and
> > inside it would live a skeleton which says audio/vorbis or audio/speex
> > about its audio bitstream. This enables audio applications to pick up
> > the file and do something with it, while possibly ignoring a .ogv
> > file.
> >
> > If we haven't made this clear yet, that should be fixed! :-)
> >
> That's clear, I wasn't.  The encapsulated mime-types are not
> yet approved and waiting for a later RFC draft.  So should
> an addskel tool label them audio/x-vorbis, audio/x-speex etc.
> in the meantime or is there less need for restraint here?
> (Whereas ogg/x-audio to ogg/audio is a system level change
> audio/x-vorbis to audio/vorbis potentially affects information
> stored statically in files.)

Ah, I understand now. There is actually an I-D that Luca is writing
for audio/vorbis at .
Also, the IETF likes to see such mime types in use while standardising

So: two things - we should probably review
and make sure it will also work for skeleton.

And we should start using audio/vorbis where it is appropriate instead
of audio/x-vorbis.


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