[ogg-dev] Re: [theora-dev] Re: [Advocacy] Re: [Vorbis-dev] Proposal: An extension to rules all others

Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves justivo at gmail.com
Thu May 3 07:48:58 PDT 2007

I don't know what's the situation right now, but I have run a few
tests and I changed my opinion (again) on using .3 extensions.

I've tried old file systems like FAT16, FAT32, Joliet, Rock Ridge,
ext2 and ISO9660 and created a "longfilename.oggaudio" file.  Then I
checked how it looked in both Windows XP and an Ubuntu system.  Every
file system coped well with the file, and both OS's even let me open
it in an audio player with no noticeable problems.

The only issue I found was with older versions of ISO9660,
specifically version 1, which only allows 8.3 UPPERCASE files.
Presently, I know of no use to ISO9660 version 1.

My vote goes back to:
and .ogg for 1) everything else and 2) backwards compatibility

By backwards compatibility I mean old players that can only read
Vorbis as .ogg (or Speex as .spx) _and_ backwards compatibility with
arcane file systems, i.e. MS-DOS and ISO9660 version 1.

I'll remind everyone that on the Monthly Meeting of October 2006,
everyone there reached a consensus that we should avoid at all costs
the use of extensions of three letters.


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