[Vorbis-dev] contstant bittrate mode - block size - packet size

ian lutz ianlutz at gmail.com
Tue May 1 02:22:42 PDT 2007


I am trying to implement a realtime encoding then streaming solution using
the vorbis codec (would be wrapped in a "7F" type for minimal framing
overhead) for sending audio over a low bit rate wireless link.

since we need a constant bittrate (i.e. constant packet size) for this
solution we want to run the alg in constant bitrate mode;

for evaluation of the codec I followed the following procedure;

   - encode and decode using examples provided (still wrapped in ogg)
   - remove the ogg wrapping code, encode a file in vorbis, decode it

The problem is that constant bittrate does not seem to be constant, the
packet size varies greatly on the encode (it should be constant if using
CBR). My assumption is that your resoviour algorithm provides an average
bittrate over multiple frames of audio data, rather than encoding each frame
to the same number of bits.

my tests on changing the different parameters for encoding shows that no
matter what settings i use (at least i can think of) do I get a constant
packet size out of the encode.

also when getting a block to encode from the vd structure the encode seems
to require multiple reads of the imput to get enough data to get a block for

#define READ 882 (20ms)
  struct ovectl_ratemanage2_arg rma;

  fp_infile        =    fopen(infile,"rb");
  fp_outfile    =    fopen(outfile,"wb");
  fp_enc_info = fopen("enc_info.txt","w");

  printf("%s %s\n",infile,outfile);
  num_blocks = 0;
  num_bytes    = 0;
  num_packets = 0;
  //num_mseconds = 0;

  rma.management_active = 1;
  rma.bitrate_limit_max_kbps = 3*128000;
  rma.bitrate_limit_min_kbps = 3*128000;
  rma.bitrate_limit_reservoir_bits = 0;
  rma.bitrate_limit_reservoir_bias = 0;
  rma.bitrate_average_kbps = 3*128000;

  /* skip over header */
  readbuffer[0] = '\0';
  for (i=0, founddata=0; i<30 && ! feof(fp_infile) && ! ferror(fp_infile);

      if ( ! strncmp((char*)readbuffer, "da", 2) )
          founddata = 1;


  //ret = vorbis_encode_init(&vi,2,44100,3*128000,3*128000,3*128000);//setup
for constant bittrate
   //ret = vorbis_encode_init(&vi,2,44100,-1,128000,-1);
 // ret = ( vorbis_encode_setup_managed(&vi,2,44100,128000,128000,128000) ||
   // vorbis_encode_ctl(&vi,OV_ECTL_RATEMANAGE2_SET,&rma) ||
     //      vorbis_encode_setup_init(&vi));
  ret = vorbis_encode_setup_managed(&vi,2,44100,3*128000,3*128000,3*128000);
  ret = ret||vorbis_encode_ctl(&vi,OV_ECTL_RATEMANAGE_HARD,&rma);
  ret = ret||vorbis_encode_setup_init(&vi);


  /* set up the analysis state and auxiliary encoding storage */
  //encode loop
  total_samples_consumed = 0;
 // num_mseconds = 0;
    long i;
    long bytes=fread(readbuffer,1,READ*4,fp_infile); /* stereo hardwired
here */

        /* expose the buffer to submit data */
      float **buffer=vorbis_analysis_buffer(&vd,READ);

      /* uninterleave samples */

      /* tell the library how much we actually submitted */
      total_samples_consumed = total_samples_consumed+i;

    /* vorbis does some data preanalysis, then divvies up blocks for
       more involved (potentially parallel) processing.  Get a single
       block for encoding now */

      /* analysis, assume we want to use bitrate management */
      fprintf(fp_enc_info,"num_reads per blockout:%d\t",num_reads);

      num_packets = 0;
        /* push packed into file */

         fprintf(fp_enc_info,"samples consumed:%d\tnum blocks:%d\tbytes
written:%d\tpackets written for



  has debug output:
num_reads per blockout:3    samples consumed:2646    num blocks:1    bytes
written:138    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:2646    num blocks:2    bytes
written:1115    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:2646    num blocks:3    bytes
written:152    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:2646    num blocks:4    bytes
written:138    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:2646    num blocks:5    bytes
written:144    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:2646    num blocks:6    bytes
written:135    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:2646    num blocks:7    bytes
written:137    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:2646    num blocks:8    bytes
written:139    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:2646    num blocks:9    bytes
written:144    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:2646    num blocks:10    bytes
written:141    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:1    samples consumed:3528    num blocks:11    bytes
written:133    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:3528    num blocks:12    bytes
written:145    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:3528    num blocks:13    bytes
written:138    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:3528    num blocks:14    bytes
written:136    packets written for block:1
num_reads per blockout:0    samples consumed:3528    num blocks:15    bytes
written:145    packets written for block:1...
..... plus more

the expected behaviour of CBR is that we put in say 20ms of audio (882)
samples and for a CBR compression to 384kbs should produce 960 Byte packets
iof compressed audio.

any help on setting up CBR correctly would be greatly appreciated.

thanks - Ian
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