[Flac-dev] Re: [Vorbis-dev] Proposal for Discussion: LICENSE and COPYRIGHT tags on Vorbis Comments

Michael Crawford mdcrawford at gmail.com
Sat Jul 7 19:03:21 PDT 2007

Creative Commons supplies a free GUI application that marks multimedia
files with CC licenses.  With MP3s it embeds the license in ID3 tags,
but at the time I tried it on my own songs, it didn't know about
Vorbis comments.  Does it now?

The other thing it did was create RDF descriptions of the CC-licensed
works, that included hashes of the track data.  However, I didn't feel
that this was quite what one wanted, as it meant that only perfect
copies of the songs would still have licenses attached.  If one were
to transcode a track it wouldn't have the same hash.

Mike Crawford
mdcrawford at gmail dot com
http://www.geometricvisions.com/music/ <-- CC licensed instrumental piano

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