[Vorbis-dev] tipo de datos no reconocido

Scott Wheeler wheeler at kde.org
Tue Oct 26 07:40:26 PDT 2004

On Tuesday 26 October 2004 16:09, apoyomutuo at spymac.com wrote:
>  en la libreria os_types.h me ocurre un error al compilar un ejemplo de 
>  "decode" de la pagina de ogg/vorbis, el error es que no reconoce los tipos 
>  de datos _int64 e _int32, estoy trabajando con borland c++ 5.0 para Windows 
>  98.
>  agradeceria cualquier ayuda. 


In the library os_types.h I get a compilation error from "decode" in the page 
ogg/vorbis.  The problem is that it doesn't know the types _int64 and _int32.  
I'm working with Borland C++ 5.0 for Windows.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.

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