[vorbis-dev] Project announcement : opensource Vorbis DirectShow decoder filter

ChristianHJW christian at matroska.org
Fri Jun 13 14:02:32 PDT 2003


i have the pleasure to announce that a start was undertaken to be able 
to replace the 2 existing closed source Ogg Vorbis DirectShow filters 
for Windows.

The Corecodec team around their main DirectShow developer, Christophe 
'Toff' Paris, has released the sourcecode for a working and tested 
Vorbis DirectShow filter on the Corecodec.org opensource community.


The code is released under GPL and Xiph people are asked to upload it to 
the Xiph CVS server also. As our anonymous access to the CVS tree is 
broken since about 2 months *cough* i recommend anybody from the Xiph 
team with write access to the Vorbis CVS gets an account on 
corecodec.org and passes me his nickname via email, so i can add him as 
dev to the project. We will use our own CVS there for our convenience, 
hope this is acceptable.

This step was necessary, as it was found that the only widespread 
DirectShow decoder for Vorbis, made by Tobias Waldvogel ( 
http://toias.everwicked.com ), does not comply to the rules of 
DirectShow in important aspects such as timestamp handling, making it 
almost impossible to use the decoder filter from anything else but his 
own Ogg splitter filter without running into serious sync problems.

Important :

This is ONLY a Vorbis decoder filter, there is no opensource Ogg 
splitter/parser source filter as of yet. As a result of this, the filter 
can not be used to play Ogg Vorbis files on Windows as is. However, we 
are releasing the sourcecode for the decoder, hoping that this may be 
the start for a fully opensource Ogg Vorbis filter set. Anybody 
interested in joinig the team to add a Ogg splitter filter is more than 
welcome, and will such be able to use all of the existing DirectShow 
knowledge from the Corecodec team.

Best regards


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