[vorbis-dev] Divide by zero in accumulate_fit

David K. Gasaway dave at gasaway.org
Mon Jul 8 22:31:03 PDT 2002


Lately, my oggenc builds (from CVS) haven't been running correctly.  In a few 
debugging sessions, I've found that I'm getting a divide by zero exception.  
The exception happens in accumulate_fit (floor1.c), line 455:
   int weight=nb*info->twofitweight/na;
Here is the call stack:
The error happens very early: the first call to vorbis_analysis (third iter. 
through the main encode loop) in oe_encode.  Reproducable with every wav I 
feed it.

Can anyone help?

-:-:- David K. Gasaway
-:-:- XNS  : =David K Gasaway
-:-:- Email: dave at gasaway.org
-:-:- Web  : dave.gasaway.org

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