[vorbis-dev] Multithreading inquiry

Dimitry Andric dim at xs4all.nl
Thu Jan 17 10:40:26 PST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On 1/17/2002 at 16:56:43 Chris Wolf wrote:

CW> By default the libraries are compiled for
CW> multi-threaded since oggdrop (one of the xiph.org
CW> apps) is multithreaded, and this policy makes the
CW> least assuptions about the app they will be used in.

Hm, I've compiled oggdrop several times using single-threaded runtime
libraries, and never noticed any problems when linking. Now I've
looked at the code, and I see that Win32 CreateThread API functions
are being used, while C runtime functions are used in the thread
handlers. This is very dangerous, and should never be done. Always use
_beginthreadex() and it's cousins for multithreaded programs that use
the C runtime! As an extra, it will then be impossible to link such a
program with the single-threaded C runtime libraries.

If you like, I will submit a patch for this. Have to eat first.. :)

- --
Dimitry Andric <dim at xs4all.nl>
PGP Key: http://www.xs4all.nl/~dim/dim.asc
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Version: PGP 6.5i
Comment: http://www.gn.apc.org/duncan/stoa_cover.htm


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