[vorbis-dev] YANS [was?/is?: Tag changes]

Adrien Beau adrien.beau at free.fr
Mon Apr 8 21:32:56 PDT 2002

On Monday 8 April 2002 21:21, HJ wrote:
> YANS: Yet Another Silly Idea

YASI, you meant? ;)

> The discussion also got me thinking about collections, .omc
> (Ogg Music Collection) if you will. Essentially Ogg/Vorbis,
> but where Vorbis streams are /sequential/ and not
> simultanious.

Just can simply concatene several Ogg files together. The
resulting file is still a valid Ogg file.

> Do You Yahoo!?

Yes, sometimes.

adrien.beau at free.fr - http://adrien.beau.free.fr

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