[vorbis-dev] win32sdk -- line ending translation issues

Chris Wolf cwolf at starclass.com
Fri Oct 19 11:13:02 PDT 2001

My mistake claiming that the *.dsw and *.dsp files are cr-lf delimited
in the repository -- although when I check them out with my command line
cvs client (GNU) they *do*  end up cr-lf delimited...

Here is a quote from the definitive CVS manual by "Per Cederqvist"

>There are two issues with using cvs to store binary files. The first is
>that cvs by default converts
>line endings between the canonical form in which they are stored in the
>repository (linefeed only),
>and the form appropriate to the operating system in use on the client (for
>example, carriage return
>followed by line feed for Windows NT).

So I suppose it is up to the CVS client program to perform the
line ending translation of text files upon checkout.  Perhaps
WinCVS does not recognize the "-ko" option.  Just for research
purposes, how does "win32sdk/README.win32sdk" look to you,
in terms of line endings?

On 10/19/2001 at 7:12 PM Olaf van der Spek wrote:

>Checkout text files with the Unix LF (0xa)
>I guess the default is to auto-convert those text files.
>Maybe they're checked in as binary?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Chris Wolf" <cwolf at starclass.com>
>To: <vorbis-dev at xiph.org>
>Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 7:06 PM
>Subject: Re: [vorbis-dev] win32sdk -- line ending translation issues
>On 10/19/2001 at 2:54 PM Matthijs Laan wrote:
>>On 18 Oct 2001, you wrote in internal.mail.vorbis-dev:
>>Second, all .dsp and .dsw files need to have their LF linebreaks converted
>>to CR/LF linbreaks. I can make another small C app doing this
>>if you like?
>Actually, this does not appear to be an issue with the server-side of CVS.
>Those files DO have cr-lf in the repository.  I did a checkout on my UNIX
>(Linux, OpenBSD) to verify this.
>Even in my windows (w2K) environment, I am not seeing this, but I am
>with the Cygwin environment which comes with a straight port of cvs as
>on UNIX.  I suspect that you might be using WinCVS -- is there some option
>or mode
>which controls line ending translation?
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