[vorbis-dev] win32sdk build environment

Chris Wolf cwolf at starclass.com
Fri Oct 19 09:30:19 PDT 2001

On 10/19/2001 at 9:51 AM Jack Moffitt wrote:

>> I was afraid of something like that.  I really wish there was a purely
>command line mode
>> for msdev.  (I know certain build procedures can be performed from the
>command line)
>> Thanks for bringing that to my attention.  I guess I'll just have to
>update the README...
>You might try looking at the Ghostscript build system
>(www.ghostscript.com).  It's horribly ugly, but I think it does much
>from the commandline on windows.

The existing scripts (batch files) are working pretty well, the only potential
problems now are running msdev in a UI - scripted fashion. I doubt
that this Ghostscript will do better than WSH scripting....

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