[vorbis-dev] ogg123 running under MacOS X

Kevin Marks kmarks at apple.com
Mon Nov 5 10:48:18 PST 2001

At 2:03 PM -0500 11/4/01, Nick D'Amato wrote:
>  > > I finally managed to compile ogg123 under MacOS X, after creating a PB
>>  > project for it.
>>  >
>>  > Rillian, do you want to include the PB project in cvs? (it needs a LOT
>>  > of polishing, though).
>>  In this case, I think not. ogg123 is a commandline tool, and might as
>>  well be built from Darwin.
>Yes but PB does a great job building command line tools, and debugging
>them... trust me, I've been doing this all week ;)
>After all, PB is pretty much a pretty interface for GCC...

Its also a pretty interface for GDB - saves a lot of typing for basic 
call chain traces, breakpoints and variable dumps, but has the 
command line there too if you want it.

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