[vorbis-dev] Tag Comments/Format

rillian rillian at telus.net
Mon Nov 5 10:26:57 PST 2001

On Monday, November 5, 2001, at 08:50 , Chris Hirsch wrote:

> Perfect!! I must of missed that when I was scanning the docs...One last 
> question...and I realize that this is implementation (read as utility 
> or player) specific but the spec lists things in all CAPS while all the 
> implementations I have found ONLY use lowercase. I realize that the 
> spec says case-insensitive but this doesn't seem to be true. 
> Specfically xmms 1.2.5 seems to only recoginize lowercase and so does 
> oggedit v0.2 etc, etc. Are these considered bugs or is lowercase the 
> "standard" for now?

Those would be bugs. Sounds like you might want to write lowercase only 


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