[vorbis-dev] Reading tags (again)...

Scott Wheeler scott at slackorama.net
Mon Nov 12 16:04:12 PST 2001

On Monday 12 November 2001 03:19 am, you wrote:
> See vorbis-tools/vorbiscomment/vcedit.c
> It does everything required to write comments out. Yes, it's complex. It's
> probably more complex than it needs to be, because it handles nasty special
> cases which don't occur in valid files (but this makes it useful as a tool
> for cleaning up slightly-broken files).

That's more or less where I was directed the first time.  There are a few 
problems that I have with this approach:

1) An example isn't an excuse for not having API documentation.  I'm not 
trying to be ungrateful or to whine, it would just be nice if since you guys 
went to the trouble to write the library functions that there's some nice API 
documentation so that people can easily use your work.

2) If the library calls aren't "accessible" enough to be used by end 
programmers then it would seem that there needs to be another layer of 
abstraction in the libraries.  

3) I may write a C++ wrapper to the libraries that allows for some more 
advanced features.  Or, rather some more simple features that do advanced 
things.  I would like to be able to write something like this:

 OggVorbisFile ovFile("foo.ogg");
 OggVorbisComment ovComment(ovFile);
 ovComment.update("artist","Miles Davis");

And have all be well.  As I said, I'm not requesting this from you guys, I'm 
fine with writing something like this, but I've got to figure out how things 
work now first.  It seems like the libs are a good start but that they're 
still too low level for application programming.  

I'm sorry if I sound insulting.  If anything, I want to complement you all on 
your fine work on this project.  I feel bad jumping on a list that I don't 
really monitor and saying, "This is how it should be!", so please have a 
little patience with me.


-Scott Wheeler

p.s. All of my projects are GPL'ed.  

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