[vorbis-dev] Metadata Schema
Beni Cherniavsky
scben at techst02.technion.ac.il
Sun Jun 3 05:47:42 PDT 2001
On Thu, 31 May 2001, rillian wrote:
> On Thursday, May 31, 2001, at 08:37 , Jon Doda wrote:
> > There's been talk off and on about an xml metadata format, but
> > nothing's ever really been done. In the intrest of giving it a kick in
> > the pants I've decided to sit down and write a preliminary Schema for
> > it. I've got a few other things to get of my plate first, so I can't
> > start on it right away, but I did want to begin collecting information
> > on what people want to see in the format. If you've got any great
> > ideas or burning desires for what you'd like to see in the format than
> > please share them.
> [snip]
> Note that the type detection is a bit trickier if you're going to use
> xml. My general thought was to do magic detection on the initial
> '<?xml', since that's the only part guaranteed to be at a given offset.
> Pass that to a general xml 'codec' that can read the
> doctype/dtd/schema/top-level tag and decide if/how to really parse it.
> Likewise with packetization, since xml isn't designed to do that.
> I've been assured that one can write a small, limited parser for a
> specific schema very easily, but others have said, no, at least not
> while still allowing the full xml spec. Is that somthing you can comment
> on? I don't really know the spec well enough to have a separate opinion,
> but codesize is a big issue for a lot of player implementations.
I don't know xml enough to answer but if the answer is negative, the LISP
/ Scheme syntax is really simple to parse while having the same power
(it's the same idea of fully-parantetized notation :). It also scares
many people - is that a good feature? I've seen it used in several
programs and games to store data although the programs didn't use LISP
Beni Cherniavsky <cben at crosswinds.net>
(also scben at t2,cben at tx in Technion)
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