[vorbis-dev] Tarkin developer mailing list

Monty xiphmont at xiph.org
Sun Feb 11 18:01:24 PST 2001

Suddenly, quite a few people have jumped in and started active
experementation and discussion about Tarkin, as well as playing with
the very rudimentary test-of-concept 3d wavelet coder jack, hatamoto
and I hacked on last year.

For your use, I've added a new mailing list, tarkin-dev at xiph.org, for
discussion and hacking on Tarkin.  The list is run, linked and archived at
xiph.org like the other mailing lists.  Subscription information and
forms (it's just a regular majordomo list like the others) is at



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Ogg project homepage: http://www.xiph.org/ogg/
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