[vorbis-dev] Parallel encoding

Michael Smith msmith at labyrinth.net.au
Sun Feb 11 23:47:48 PST 2001

At 07:11 AM 2/12/01 +0000, you wrote:
>I'm afraid this e-mail is me being lazy. I'm interested in adapting the
>encoder to farm out work to various machines on a network. I'm just
>trying to find out if this is going to be trivial. I don't know how the
>encoder works but from my very brief glance through the code it would
>appear that a state is maintained 'vorbis_dsp_state' that's going to
>make my distributed encoding more difficult. Is it worth me delving more
>deeply, presumably this state can't be duplicated across all machines?

It's not neccesarily impossible, but it IS very difficult. Jeff Squyres has
been working on something to do this, I'm not sure of the current status.

For farming out encoding, you're generally much better off just passing a
single file to each machine, and encode multiple files at once. This is
simple to implement.


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