[vorbis-dev] Please gix getopt

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at lsc.nd.edu
Sun Feb 11 15:56:22 PST 2001

On Sun, 11 Feb 2001, Ralph Giles wrote:

> > 2. Summary: getopt.c, getopt.h, and getopt1.c are included in both oggenc
> > and ogg123.  It seems that vorbiscomment uses getopt_long(), so it seems
> > that vorbiscomment needs them too.  But including them in vorbiscomment is
> > a mistake (IMO); a better solution should be used.
> So I've said. A patch would be more helpful. :-)

Actually, I chatted with others on #vorbis today, and there was
more-or-less agreement that this might be a good idea (I won't speak for
anyone specifically -- chime in if you dis/agree).

a) the getopt* files should be moved into vorbis-tools/getopt/
b) all the types and symbols should be renamed to have an "ov_" prefix
c) they should be compiled into libovgetopt.a (no need for shared)
d) oggenc, ogg123, and vorbiscomment should -lovgetopt

This accomplishes several things:

- abolishes the need for multiple copies of the same files
- prevents the possibility of "multiple definition of symbol 'getopt'"
  kinds of errors
- the library part is nice, clean, portable, and trivial to do in automake


I've attached two files.  Please try them out; I think I make everything
work properly, but more eyes are better than two.

- ov_getopt.tar.gz.  Unzip this in vorbis-tools.
  - makes a getopt/ subdirectory
  - contains Makefile.am, Makefile.in, ov_getopt.c, ov_getopt.h, and

- ov_diff.out.  Apply this in vorbis-tools (-p0).
  - changes all symbols in ogg123, oggenc, and vorbiscomment to have the
    "ov_" prefix
  - does appropriate Makefile.am frobbing to -lovgetopt
  - does appropriate configure.in frobbing to generate getopt/Makefile

Be sure to re-run autoconf and friends, and then re-./configure and


{+} Jeff Squyres
{+} squyres at cse.nd.edu
{+} Perpetual Obsessive Notre Dame Student Craving Utter Madness
{+} "I came to ND for 4 years and ended up staying for a decade"

<LI>APPLICATION/octet-stream attachment: ov_getopt.tar.gz
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