[vorbis-dev] [PATCH] [FEATURE] Ogg123 range playback

Maciej Zenczykowski maze at druid.if.uj.edu.pl
Sat Dec 15 13:21:05 PST 2001

A small patch (attached) to the ogg123 source (dec 15 nightly build from
CVS) that implements ranged playback a la:
    ogg123 -r 12:10-13:00 file.ogg
to playback 12m:10s-13m:00s fragment from the file.ogg soundfile.
ogg123 -r hours:minutes:seconds.fraction-hours:minutes:seconds.fraction
anything can be pretty much omitted (within reason)
[although it does not support hh:mm:ss.hh- ]
anything missing will be treated as 0, lack of punctuation results in
values being treated as seconds since beginning of file.
changing the '-' to '+' will result in the second value being a length
instead of an offset.

Till now have had nothing to do with (the source code of) ogg (just badly
needed this feature when recording music fragments from tape which I
'ripped' and ogg'ed).

Not on the list so CC me if you please...

Tell me what you think,

Maciej Zenczykowski
<maze at druid.if.uj.edu.pl>

<LI>TEXT/PLAIN attachment: ogg123.h.diff
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