[vorbis-dev] Updated Mac support

Chris Hanson cmh at bDistributed.com
Tue Nov 21 22:54:56 PST 2000

At 10:26 PM -0800 11/21/00, Monty wrote:
>On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 04:30:24PM -0600, Chris Hanson wrote:
>>  I also sent the Zip file to Monty for integration into the CVS tree.
>Merged and applied.


>  > This archive contains files that should be merged into your ogg and
>>  vorbis trees.  (Be sure not to overwrite directories if you're
>>  expanding it in-place!)
>Ummm... was mac/compat/sys/types.h still needed in the Vorbis module?
>I assumed that was supposed to move to Ogg.

Oh, I didn't know.

The Vorbis libraries won't build right now without 
mac/compat/sys/types.h, because they only refer to the top-level ogg 
folder in their access paths rather than both ogg and ogg/mac/compat. 
The latter is what they'd need for CodeWarrior to see 
ogg/mac/compat/sys/types.h as one and the same with <sys/types.h>. 
I'll look into fixing this tomorrow afternoon (I have a client 
meeting tomorrow morning, otherwise I'd fix it first thing).

In other issues, I just did a checkout and MacCVS Pro told me 
"libvorbis.mcp is no longer pertinent" and then deleted it.  It 
probably shouldn't do that...  Is that bad behavior on MacCVS Pro's 
part, or was it just a check-in goof?

   -- Chris

Christopher M. Hanson <cmh at bDistributed.com>
President & CEO, bDistributed.com, Inc.
bDistributed.com: Making Business Distributed

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