[vorbis-dev] ov_read bugfix (fwd)

Jonathan Blow jon at bolt-action.com
Mon May 15 17:21:45 PDT 2000

Monty wrote:
> BTW, Jon, do you want to handle fixing/testing/committing this one?  I've got
> a few things on my stack right now...

Will do.  If I have time today I will also cook up some test
cases that would spot things like this.

Though it seems that the bug would not just affect big-endian playback,
it looks like it should happen any time the host-endian is the same
as the requested-endian, so I still don't understand why I didn't
see the bug.  To wit:

                short *dest;
                for(i=0;i<channels;i++) { /* It's faster in this order */
                  double *src=pcm[i];
--->              short *dest=((short *)buffer)+i;


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