[vorbis-dev] Description of commits

Ralph Giles giles at snow.ashlu.bc.ca
Fri Jun 16 20:18:42 PDT 2000

On Fri 16 Jun 2000, Kenneth C. Arnold wrote:

>> I finally wrote up the result of the comment header specification
>> discussion. 

> Okay... I'll get this implemented in Vorbize and ogg123 pretty soon. A
> couple of questions, then, namely on how to give this information to the
> encoder. Should it be given on the command line as: 
> vorbize --artist=a --track=b ... 

I like this one the best. Lame uses --tt "song title" --ta "artist name",
etc. which works well except the option names are hard to remember.

How about:

vorbize --artist "artist's name" --title "track name" --album "album
title" [and so on for all the standard fields]

plus a general --comment "NEWFIELD=foobar" for nonstandard headings. This
should allow multiple instances and the standard field names as well.


giles at ashlu.bc.ca

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